Safe Trails

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What is Safe Trails?

Safe Trails is a simple app that will help you give you peace of mind when looking to step outside. With Safe Trail we will provide you with COVID-19 numbers of any given state of your choice.


Weather & Trails

We want to make this easy for you. Not only will you get COVID-19 Stats on your intended destination. We'll give you the weather as well. Along with a list of trails within the area you wish to visit.


Feeling Ill?

We understand that being on lockdown has likey given you cabin fever and you're itching to get away. However, we must advise you that if you are feeling ill, PLEASE STAY HOME.

Remember to wear a mask where social distancing is not possible.
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Select State Here

State Stats

Find Trails & Weather
Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds.
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